By Judy Jennings
© Copyright 2015

The cards have relationships;
with you, with each other, and with circumstances. The relationship between yourself and the
cards is highly personal and based on your outlook, of course, while the
relationship of the cards to circumstance is built on the responsive nature of
the energy being that is Tarot.
But what kind of
relationships do the cards have with each other? As in all relationships, the variations are
endless, but here are some of the dynamics that are in play between the cards
Multiple court cards in a
reading suggest multiple people are involved in your situation, while a solo
royal is likely to be talking about your own personality. Courts in Swords and Wands will work well
together in any situation, as will Cups and Pentacles, and it’s quite favorable
to see these royals aligned in a reading.

Another powerful dynamic found
in the court cards is the relationships that exist between the Knights and the
Queens. Knights are the advocates and
protectors of the Queens. This is particularly
true of the Knight of Swords, who has a strong affinity for all Queens, but most
especially for the Queen of Wands. A
Knight always enhances the power of a Queen when they appear together.
We’ll look at the way Pages
interact with the others next time. In
the meantime, if you’d like an exercise, try laying out all the court cards and
examining which direction they’re facing.
We’ll discuss that more next time, too.
As you consider the cards, keep in mind the most basic structure for a
reading: Past, present and future.
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