Saturday, November 14, 2015


By Judy Jennings
© Copyright 2015


How does Tarot work?  If you do readings for other people, that’s a question that will come up with some regularity.  The answer is both simple and infinitely complex.

Tarot is an energy being, and when you do a reading you’re entering into a conversation with this energy. That conversation works the same whether your sacred object is the cards, a tree, or an image of the Virgin Mother; you put a question out to the universe and then pay close attention to the next thing that comes into your mind and body.  In this way, you have a dialogue.

Tarot speaks in the language of symbolism, and one of the marks of an experienced reader is a commanding understanding of the symbols used throughout the deck.  Even so, the most powerful thing that can occur in a reading is for the seeker to become emotionally engaged with the cards herself, because that’s when the symbols take on meaning for her.

In Tarot, every card expresses the idea of polarity, which means that all cards carry a range of possible interpretations.  The Sun, for example, could represent anything from radiant joy to burnout, depending on the situation and the surrounding cards. 

Are there any clichés or metaphors that come to the seekers mind when she looks at the image on a card?  Are there any details in particular that stand out to her?  If more than one character is pictured on a card, which one does the seeker identify with?  It’s impossible to overstate the importance of these types of reactions when you are doing a reading.  Learning to draw your seeker into this conversation will amplify your readings tremendously.   

Tarot is a system that teaches personal responsibility.  When a person turns to the cards for guidance and then becomes involved in the interpretation of their own narrative, that’s empowering.  And that leads to change.    

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